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21st Century Skills 

Create an original work of "Mosaic" art using the materials, techniques, and processes of your choice.

Rough Sketch

Final Layout

Final Artwork


For the 21st century skills art project, we were assigned to do a "Mosaic" piece. In this project, we were given a number of themes to choose from, but I chose the career/dream theme. I was really drawn to the sports theme, however I did that theme in the most recent project we did so I decided to do something different. Since I chose the career theme, I focused my art piece on teaching. I have 2 careers that I want to pursue, however I decided to go with teaching because the other career (Radiology) was too complex and confusing to do for my artwork, so I just went with the teaching path. My love for teaching started when I was a kid because I thought they were always so nice and caring, also the idea of an educator feeding information to the upcoming generations was another thing that sparked my interest. Furthermore, I love working with kids, so that alone made my interest grow. In my artwork, I drew an apple with a pencil and behind that I have a chalkboard with a math problem on it. Also, the art work is consisted of dots from hole punchers. I thought that using the dots would be a unique idea, however it took a long time to piece every single one in the art piece. Overall, the project is just to show that I am trying to pursue the teaching field, and to show kids that you can do anything in life as long as you set your mind to it. 

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